
Defying Gravity

Now I’ve got back into the swing of things in Paris, I’ve been trying to do as many weird and exciting things as possible. Well, weird doesn’t quite cover it, frankly quite mad things. Like for anyone that knows me well, even just the image of the following will make you roar with laughter, never mind seeing it in person.

Guys, I went rollerskating.

No, I’m not joking, this walking disaster, who can’t even walk down the street without face planting into the pavement, actually went rollerskating.

Although, I did spend a good portion of my time clinging on to on one of the teachers to avoid my unique relationship with gravity playing out in the middle of a busy crowd.

Despite this, a few people were still unfortunate victims of my flailing arms whacking them in the shoulder. On the brightside however, it could have been so, so much worse. In fact, I’m genuinely surprised it wasn’t more of a disaster.

Thankfully, there seemed to be a few teachers standing around in case of crazy people like me coming along with competent friends. Although, my friends were just the sweetest and helped so much when it came to even shuffling over from the bar and cloakroom area to the main dancefloor.

Yes, I did also say dancefloor. It was actually a rollerskating party called Roll Over Club at La Cigale in the 18th arrondissement.

Even if you find standing upright a challenge like me, it’s totally worth a visit for the amazing skaters that you see. From a guy blindingly dressed in all white and rocking out next to the DJ in the centre, to the various awe-inspiring group dances, people were busting moves that I can’t even manage on my own two wheel-less feet.

One of the pre-rehearsed groups did come to an abrupt halt after one of their dancers fell over. But that ended up showing what was perfect about the night, the room was the epitome of peace and love while listening to sweet tunes like Deee-Lite’s ‘Groove is in the Heart’.

I’m not going full-on hippie here, it was just one of those odd moments that felt separated from time in an odd nightclub-type room upstairs on Boulevard Rochechouart – although I admittedly might have been more affected because of the sheer concentration that it took to move. Regardless, the two hours flew by!

To finish off a memorable night, we ended up rambling about nearby to have a recovery chow-down at a Montmartre restaurant.

In a mish-mash of languages (English, French and even a bit of Swedish), we were served an Italian feast by a chatty and far too cheeky Bangladeshi waiter.

He took it a bit far when he pretended to spill coffee on one of my friends, I think everyone’s hearts stopped for a good few moments and we’d already had quite enough excitement for one night.

Nevertheless, completely busting out of my comfort led to such an unforgettable experience that I am keen on going to the next one on the 21st February. It does make for a very interesting Sunday night!

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